Good Afternoon my name is Jessica Berejkoff, I am the Bishop’s daughter-in-law, I am married to nis son Nick. Warren asked me to give a short report on girls camp and I’m so excited to do it because we had so much fun. And the funniest thing about Warren choosing me is that he must’ve known that 3 days ago that I was going to have a dental emergency and need to get a wisdom tooth pulled. So someone wanted to see if I could give a talk while my mouth is huge and swollen.
Everyone met at the church Monday morning to drive up to camp together. We went to a place called Rucker Lake. We took 3 vehicles and had more leaders than girls. When we arrived, I stepped out of the car and took in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. It was so wonderful to be out in the beautiful world that God created for us to live in. When I’m out in the woods I am always reminded of how much care was put into creating every living thing.
I was privileged to work with Lisa Perrera and the 1st year campers. The theme was Dr. Suess. And everyday there was a sub theme that went along with Dr. Suess books such as: Oh the places you’ll go and the sneetches. There were also scriptures that went along with each theme. There were so many fun activites to do while at camp! There was a lake to swim in with a paddle boat and canoes. Every year also got to participate in a ropes course: They completed multiple activities whose success depended on the girls’ ability to work as a team. There were really awesome crafts! One of which I am wearing in my hair right now. Lisa and I took our 14 1st year girls on a hike to Blue Lake. After we rested for a bit and had lunch the majority of our girls wanted to keep on hiking. Most hiked to the top of Zion’s Peak and were able to see the 4 different lakes that were surrounding us. It was so beautiful! It was so much fun getting to know all the girls from the different wards and especially Julianna Perrera and Hannah Siebert. They were in our first year group. It was awesome watching the girls grow up and also watching their testimonies grow. If you ever get a chance to go to girls camp you should jump at the chance just because you eat like royalty for the entire week!
Our first morning at camp, we had a flag ceremony bright and early. We all sing a patriotic song then the flag is raised and we say the pledge of allegiance. While we were saying the pledge of allegiance I couldn’t finish saying it because I was all choked up. Last fall I took a history class at DVC and learned about the first 100 years of America. Camp helped me realize:
I am so thankful to live in this free country. I can’t even describe the amount of thankfulness I have for our founding fathers and everyone who has died or helped fight to keep our country free. I believe Heavenly Father had a plan so we could have a free country so the true gospel could be restored. Without this country being free, it would not have been possible. While crying I was reminded of 3rd Nephi 21:4.
I am so thankful Joseph Smith had the desire to know which church he should join. I am so thankful he stood strong in his convictions even when he was going through unimaginable pain that could’ve ended if he said that he made it all up.
I believe Emma was so strong through everything that happened to Joseph. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be her and watch my husband endure that torment. I can’t even imagine how Heavenly Father did it; First with Christ his only begotten son and then with Joseph Smith. That takes such strength! I am so thankful for Heavenly Father’s perfect plan.
That perfect plan of his included me being up at Girls Camp this year. I am so thankful for the opportunity to help those young girls build their testimonies.
I know that Girls camp is so wonderful for these girls to go to. It makes such a difference in their lives being able to go to a place like this, and build testimonies and nurture them and help them grow as they become closer to Heavenly Father. For our young women these types of experiences, like girls camp, can make all the difference. It is so nice for them for a week to be surrounded by a lot of people who share their beliefs. Because that doesn’t happen at school. Gaining a testimony at Girls camp is so important for when these girls go out into the world. They will be armed with the word of God and ready to do spiritual battle. It really molds them and helps them grow into the women that heavenly father wants them to be. And I bear my testimony of that in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.